Thursday, November 4, 2010

Book Review on The Dead Sea Scrolls Today

The following is a five page book review on “The Dead Sea Scrolls Today”. This book was written by James C. Vanderkam, a notable scholar in this field. I did it as part of “the Dead See Scrolls” class requirement. We were asked to write three negative and three positive comments on this book. I did not know a thing about the Dead Sea Scrolls before taking this class. I remember I was still very ill then. But God's grace brought me through this most difficult and challenging period as He still does now.

Many have written about the Dead Sea Scrolls and aspects of the controversies that have engulfed them. The media tend to publicize the ones more widely held. If anyone claimed to have discovered a new messianic reference in a scroll fragment and maintains that it somehow has extraordinary consequences for Christianity, the media will spread the word immediately. In the light of this situation, the author intended to write an orderly account about the scrolls themselves and what has happened with them since the mid-1980s.

It was not possible to look at the entire extraordinary library that had been hidden away in the eleven caves before. As soon as the complete lists of the Qumran texts had became available in the early 1990s the author started composing this book. The book was written for a wide audience. The author attempted to cover the major areas of scroll research and to bring the latest information to bear on them.
Vanderkam began this book by telling his readers a story. He said that there were reports centuries ago some ancient manuscripts had been found in the region of Jericho, near the Dead Sea. A Christian, lived from A.D. 185 to 254 was an acute biblical student who compiled an enormous work that included in parallel columns six version of the entire Old Testament both in Hebrew and in Greed. The work he did was called the Hexpla. He mentioned that the sixth Greek version of the Psalms that he presented in his Hexapla had been found in a jar around Jericho.

Vanderkam continued saying that there was a church historian Eusebisu (260-340) stated in his Ecclesiastical History that a Greek version of the Psalms and other Greek and Hebrew manuscripts had been found in a jar at Jericho . He also said that some Jewish and Arabic sources mention a group of “cave people” because their teachings arose from books found in a cave.

All the information stated above is very confusing if not informative. No further explanation or reference was provided. Readers like me (a beginner without any Qumran background) is puzzled with the “reliability” of the above-mentioned story and could not figure out their relationship with the Dead Sea Scrolls in its historical and literary contexts. I did not realize it was just a story and have nothing to do with the Dead Sea Scrolls itself until I finished reading half of the book.

Although the story telling is rather an interesting opening, it is also very misleading. It would be better if the author could have placed them in the end of the book. Readers would then probably find these stories were informative after having gained some knowledge about the Dead Sea Scroll.

Although Vanderkam intended to write this book for a wider audience and to use it as a tour guide to the Qumran treasure, some of his writings did not accommodate it well. Vanderkam failed to tell his readers some basic information while he used them to present his arguments. He probably assumed that readers were somewhat knowledgeable of the information and overlooked the fact that many of them are not. For example,  historian Josephus’s writings were referred throughout the book. However, Vanderkam did not mention who Joshphus was. All had been said in the book was “historian Josephus”. I had no clue if Josephus was a contemporary scholar or an ancient figure. All I remembered was Josephus was a Jewish historian from an Old Testament class I took years ago. I had to look up other Dead Sea resources for Information. All Vanderkam needed was just to add a sentence stating that Joshphus was a Jewish historian (ca.37-100 CE). I found this small omission was corrected in his new book "The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls".

In the same way, while trying to identify the community associated with the Qumran group, Vanderkam used both Josephus and Philo of Alexandria’s work as references to identify whether the Qumran group was the Essenes. Again, he did not introduce who Philo was. Neither did he mention from what publications of these authors did he get his information.

Vanderkam did not inform his readers that the major classical descriptions of the Essences were found in Philo's two writings and thus why his work had being used in this regard. He also failed to explain whether there was evidence indicating either Josephus or Philo was aware of the settlement of the shore of the Dead Sea and their writings about Essenes were more a part of Jewish society.

Nevertheless, the critiques stated above were minor compared to what Vanderkam has accomplished in this book. As he indicated in the book, he would like to present this book in a similar way as the Gospel of Luke. In a broad sense, he did accomplish this goal.

Vanderkam has succeeded in summarizing very lucidly the complicate story of the Dead Sea Scrolls – their discovery, nature, chronology, literary character, and background. It was not an easy task. The attractive writing style and the profound, clear analyses in this book makes it a handbook on the Dead Sea Scrolls that will be consulted. His writing style was plainly enough to attract non-scholar readers and yet remained focused on subjects he would like to present. Reading his book is like listening to a storyteller, interesting and does not want to stop. If one opened the book he is likely to stick with it until to a break point. Like a river, Vanderkam’s writing flows smoothly and quenched reader’s curiosity.

Vanderkam’s book comes as a breath of fresh air. Here is a clear, readable, balanced introduction that disarmed the “fear” of many new comers and amateurs of the Dead Sea Scrolls by unveiling the mystery of it. No one is better equipped than Vanderkam to write on this subject. He is one of the most eminent Dead Sea Scroll scholars in the world. Yet, he never sound as he was the expert in any arguments or analysis throughout this book. He was very objective and took account of the full spectrum of scholarship and puts maverick theories in perspective. He judiciously considered a wide variety of views including those he disagreed with. Vanderkam treated his readers as his fellow scholars by humbly raising some concerns he had and yet left them with enough information and space to explore on their own.

This is a book worth reading even though it is "old". Most of the information in this book was included in Vanderkam's new book " The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls" except the "opening stories". However, if you are new to the Dead Sea Scrolls and would like to have a quick glance of what they are, this book is still a good place to start.

Monday, October 26, 2009


I have suffered a severe crippling disease since 1999i. I had followed the faith teachingii and believed I would be healed if I had "enough" faith because total healing is included in the Atonement and belongs to the believers now. But, instead of receiving the healing, I became very ill and almost died. According to their teachings, I am the one to blame because I did not have enough faith to receive the healing. After three years' struggle, I decided to turn my trust to the Lord himself instead of the faith teachings. I found peace and rest in the Lord and my body started responding to the medical treatment. I am sharing this experience now with you to let you know that, sometimes half-truth is not truth and even worse, it could be very harmful.

The faith teachers claim that all their teachings are Scripture oriented. This is the main reason why I had followed their teachings. Later, my illness forced me to take a closer look of their teachings. There are three sets of biblical text that support these assertions iii. The first set is Paul's discussion that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law (Galatians 3:14). It is then coupled with Deuteronomy 28:21-22 where disease is one of the curses of disobedience to the law. It is argued from these texts that Christ has freed us from the curse of the law and thus freed us from illnessiv. However, it is unlikely that Paul was referring to the "curses” of Deuteronomy 28 when he spoke of that in Galatians. Theologically speaking, from the book of Romans, we can see that the structure of law produced death rather than life. It is this death from the working of the law as a means of self-righteousness that Christ redeems us from.

The second set is from Isaiah 53 and the citation of 53:4 in Mathew 8:17 and of 53:5 in 1 Peter 2:24. Isaiah 53 describes the suffering Messiah will be the one who bears our diseases and weaknesses. The stories of healing in Matthew 8:17 and 1 Peter 2:24 (especially the change to the past tense) are understood to be the fulfillment of Isaiah 53. Mattew's use of Isaiah 53:4 has nothing to do with Atonement; it is a part of Messiah's earthly ministry. If we take Isaiah 53:5 and 53:6 joined with l Peter 2:24-25 than we can see that healing here is to restore health from the sickness of our sins.

The third set is texts that remind us God honors faith, e.g., Matthew 11:24, 17:20; Luke 17:6, Mark 9:23; and James 1:6. These faith passages are used by believers to claim their healing as promised by God. They see healing as a gift that has been atoned for and the vehicle to get this gift is through "the hand of faith"v. Faith and healing have a direct cause-and-effect relationship. Lack of faith, then is given as the final reason why this covenanted grace of healing is not realized by all Christians. Faith is defined as the human will to believe. The human ability to "believe" is the key that unlocks God's promises. If you pray enough, repent enough, know enough, then God's blessings and healing are yours. The emphasis is on claiming the promises and the magic power of positive confession. This kind of faith formula teaches that God responds to His people because of their work (to get enough faith) rather than of His gracevi.

The total healing teachings only see the receiving healing as a manifestation of "full faith" and condemn the ones without. However, the full faith should not only get these biblical texts to work for total healing, but also know how to trust God when prayers not answered and healing not received. Let's take a look at the Apostle Paul and his associates. Paul was ill when he first visited Galatians (Galatians 4:13). Epaphroditus fell ill and was nearly dead. He recovered because of God's mercy not his faith (Philippians 2:26). Trophimus was left sick in Miletus (2 Timothy 4:20). Paul advised Timothy to take some wine to treat his digestion problem (1 Timothy5: 23). How about those who died in faith yet they did not receive God's promises (Hebrew 11:34-40)? These great church fathers all had ministry accompanied with power and wonder, yet, why they did not have enough faith or did not have total healing? Because in addition to faith they also had hope (Hebrew11: 40). When our prayers are not answered and healing has not been manifested; we still have hope in Christ.

Although the Bible is a book for all seasons and speaks out of the past directly to our recent situations, the meaning that the author plainly intended to the original readers is essential while interpreting it. We should not distort the Scripture to fit into our own theory. However, based on the scriptures mentioned above, two major assertions were madevii. First, healing is a covenanted mercy in the same way that forgiveness of sin is a covenanted grace through the death and resurrection of Christ. Healing is part of the Atonement; God is obligated to heal every one from every sickness. Second, therefore, it is God’s will to have every Christian enjoy total healing right now in this present life.

The first assertion views disease and sin as part of the same construct, as though all disease is the direct result of sin through the Fall of Adamviii. The Atonement that destroyed the power of sin also destroyed the effect of disease. However, as we discussed earlier, there is no clear scriptural support that freedom from diseases is warranted to every believer in Christ in the same way that freedom from the condemnation of sin is warranted to the believers. The second assertion claims that healing from disease should be experienced in this present time in the same way as forgiveness of sins. Indeed, the forgiveness of sins and healing are included in the Atonement. But, the end-time nature of both should also be taken into considerationix. Many of us believe that forgiveness of sin is a present reality. If we make this assertion and we contend that healing is in the Atonement, then, we really are saying that healing is available to us now. This is the mistake the faith teacher make. In fact, the forgiveness of sin is tied to the resurrection of Christ instead of death on the crossx. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:17, "if Christ is not raised from the dead, you are still in your sins." Paul also says in Philippians 3:10-11, "I want…to become like Him in His death in the hope that I myself will be raised from the death to life". Because resurrection is contained in the Atonement, both the forgiveness of sin and healing are contained in the Atonement and both will be realized when the believers are raised from death at Christ's Second Coming. What we have now is the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives to assure us this future reality.
In fact, we now live in a period between Christ's first coming and His coming again. Although the victory over all evils has been won through Christ's death and resurrection, the evil and its power have not yet been removed. The evil age and the age to come are present at this same time. Our salvation is experienced under the tension of these overlapping powers-the power of God and the power of evil. Because we are in the "now and not yet" we are subject to the weakness of the flesh, we still continue to suffer affliction, disease and death. Therefore, real faith will enable us to endure the unexplainable events occurred in lifexi. We can not explain every thing and we don't have to, things just happen. There are mysteries we still don't understand. But we can learn to embrace the larger dimension of love, including suffering and death.

The presence of the kingdom of God as manifested in healing and other Christian ministry is now only partial because of this now-and-not-yet nature. Divine healing that does occur now is temporary, provisional, and not final. It is not something that gives one person a favor over another because God has no respecter for persons (Acts10: 34). It is more a kind of sacrament and ministry to the Church and to the whole world that Christ's resurrection is real xii. It reaffirms believers of their final resurrection in Christ. It makes visible that the Kingdom of God is breaking into the world through His Church and the Church as His representative has authority to heal and deliver.

"Now what is faith?” It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see" (Hebrews11: 1). It is when we are resurrected that we will receive all the benefits of the Atonement; forgiveness and whole healing. Until then, we live in faith under the tension of "now-and not yet"; continue to advance the kingdom of God through preaching, healing and caring in love as Christ commands us until His coming again.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Godliness is the characters of God. Is the right attitude toward God the Father as Our Lord Jesus had when He was on earth in flesh. The best model we can look up to is our Lord Jesus. He is the Word in human flesh. Therefore, godliness is not just an abstract concept. Rather, God has turn a vague concept into a solid picture presented before us.

Godliness originated from Greek word eusebeia which used in the New Testament to express the idea of inner piety, spiritual maturity, or godliness. The first usage can be found in the Greek poet, Homer, in about 1000 BC. Then the word came into use in the classical Greek of Athens (Attic Greek) where it referred to personal piety in fulfilling the personal relationships. In Greek religion, it was also used to describe a person who was faithful in fulfilling his duties to various local gods where he lived. The Attic Greek always used this word for outward expression of piety, such as the giving of gifts to gods , participation in sacrifices and worship, or making a show of religion in public.

As the word eusebeia began to be used in the koine Greek, it came to mean "inner piety", or spirituality, a duty which the believer owes to God in the inner man. Accordingly, this word used in the Titus context can be referred as control by or filling of the Holy Spirit which produces godly qualities of conformity to Christ.

Following are scriptures containing the word eusebeia and have been translated as "godliness" in the King James Version.

ACTS 3:12
When Peter saw this, he said to them: "Men of Israel, why does this surprise you? Why do you stare at us as if by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk(niv)?


1 TIM. 2:2

for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 為君王和一切在位的也該如此.使我們可以敬虔端正、平安無事的度日。

1 TIM. 3:16;

Beyond all question, the mystery of godliness is great: He appeared in a body, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory.

大哉、敬虔的奧秘、無人不以為然.就是 神在肉身顯現、被聖靈稱義、〔或作在靈性稱義〕被天使看見、被傳於外邦、被世人信服、被接在榮耀裡。

1 TIM.4:7,8;

Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly.


for physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. 操練身體、益處還少.惟獨敬虔、凡事都有益處.因有今生和來生的應許.

1 TIM.6:3-6
If anyone teaches false doctrines and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, he is conceited and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions and constant friction between men of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain. But godliness with contentment is great gain.

若有人傳異教、不服從我們主耶穌基督純正的話、與那合乎敬虔的道理.他是自高自大、一無所知、專好問難、爭辯言詞、從此就生出嫉妒、分爭、毀謗、妄疑、 並那壞了心術、失喪真理之人的爭競。他們以(外表的)敬虔為得利的門路.然而敬虔加上知足的心便是大利了.

1 TIM.6:11-12But you, man of God, pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentlenes. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.


2 TIM. 3:5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.


2 PET. 1:3,6,7
1:3His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 神的神能已將一切關乎生命和虔敬的事賜給我們、皆因我們認識那用自己榮耀和美德召我們的主。

2 PET.1:6-7and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness;and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love.

有了知識、又要加上節制.有了節制、又要加上忍耐.有了忍耐、又要加上虔敬. 有了虔敬、又要加上愛弟兄的心.有了愛弟兄的心、又要加上愛眾人的心。

2 PET. 3:11-12

Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly livesas you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat.這一切既然都要如此銷化、你們為人該當怎樣聖潔、怎樣敬虔、切切仰望 神的日子來到.在那日天被火燒就銷化了、有形質的都要被烈火鎔化。

A true man of God has qualities of inner piety - the characteristics of a spiritually mature person. This is not a phony façade put on to please or impress people. The source of this godliness is the Word of God. The godly person has not only learned doctrine academically, but he has also seen that word applied to his life in edification over a period of years.

Spirituality is an absolute quality, depending on a believer's walk with the Lord, and particularly on his maintaining his fellowship with the Lord through confession. But none of this is visible.

How can we tell when true spirituality and maturity are present? Or, how do you know the difference between a godly man and one who is merely well educated and in control of himself? A carnal believer, the novice Christian, can be moral, can use the right vocabulary, can wear a suit and carry a Bible. He can fool some of the people some of the time.

But the godly believer is known by "his fruits" - the fruit of the Holy Spirit . Godliness is produced in the life of a Christian who is both learning doctrine and growing thereby through edification.

Godliness is the concept of the inward life and the outward appearance of the fruit of the Spirit.

For example, in the spiritual fruit of love we see genuine care and regard for people, an impersonal love for people who are different, even though they are enemies. This love results in the philozenos of TITUS 1:8. [See the notes on Characteristics of Impersonal Love]. Love is the absence of mental attitude sins and sins of the tongue. The negatives have been eliminated from the believer's life so that (1) he no longer hates, despises, disdains, or envies other people, (2) he no longer maligns or ridicules them, and therefore (3) he is free to have a ministry with others that is not hindered by offensiveness or bitterness.

Joy is the spiritual fruit which enables a Christian to have happiness that does not depend on the details of life. He has a stable mental attitude from looking to Jesus and trusting the Father for everything. He does not fall into moody depression when things go wrong or he is criticized of maligned. He does not fall into wide emotional swings. He does not depend on others to prop up his happiness. I TIM. 6:6, "Godliness (eusebeia) with contentment is great gain..."

A believer who has peace is a master of the Faith-Rest technique. He is nearly unflappable, because he has a lot of practice in placing every distress, every disaster, in the hands of the Lord. He is the most relaxed person in the neighborhood. He does not have chronic worry about the present or future. He knows that the Lord can handle everything. So he is not paranoid. Even if someone is really out to get him, he is relaxed and praying, even for the enemy who is plotting against him. He places great confidence in the Lord, especially regarding death, knowing and resting in the fact that "absent from the body" means "present with the Lord." So he is not one of those who "through fear of death are all their lifetime subject to bondage" (HEB. 2:15).

Well, for homework, you can make up your own descriptions for the remaining parts of the fruit of the Spirit: Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance. Just remember that God's plan for you is that you continue to be a godly Christian.

main ource: with added/modified comments

Saturday, January 31, 2009

2008 trip to Taiwan

It has been a while since last article was published because I havn't been in the States since September 2008.

I went back to Taiwan to visit my parents and relatives. But, the most important thing on my mind was to minister to the local people - to preach the good news of Jesus Christ and to nurse the believers.

I never thought that I would become a victim of the late globe-wide financial crisis here in Taiwan. As a result, I was forced to spend most of my time, day and night, working on the bank accounts to reduce the loss to the minimum.

I never dealt with the local banking system. Therefore, what I have experienced, so far, is still a shock to me. Taiwan is the only country or area to allow its banks to sell the equity-linked notes to the individual in the form of foreign bank certified deposits. The banks here are also allowed to access to the CD account holder to sell such equity-linked notes.

The case I have been dealing is the worst I have ever seen. The so-called bank investment specialist was actually just a bank teller or cashier without any prior investment background and training. This so-called specialist intentionally concealed all the client's investment information and blocked the mailing of the monthly statements since the inception of the investments and made the investors believe what they invest was foreign CDs.

At the meetings with the bank representatives on October 21 and November 21 2008 respectively, the bank staffs made up one story after another. They just kept on lying and showed no intention for any apology or corrections. The bank governing agencies were even worse. These government officers' attitude were no different from the bank representatives.

Without God's grace I could never dealt with them so far. I need more wisdom and courage as I battle against the evil banking system and corruptive government agency.

The righteousness will prevail against the evil. The Lord is on my side,whom shall I be afraid of?

The Lord says, "do not fear; for I am with you; be not dismayed; for I am your God. I will make you strong; yes, I will help you; yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness".

"Behold, all those who were angered against you shall be ashamed and confounded; they shall be as nothing. And those who fight with you shall perish. "

"You shall seek them, and shall not find them; men warring against you shall be as nothing, and as ceasing. "(Isa 41:10-12).

Friday, April 25, 2008


“After they (Paul and Silas) had been severely flogged, they were thrown into prison, and the jailer was commanded to guard them carefully. Upon receiving such orders, he put them in the inner cell and fastened their feet in the stocks. About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody's came loose. “(Acts 16:23-26).

Paul and Silas were able to sing after being beated severly and being chained in the prison because they had the true freedom from Christ Jesus. Eventhough their bodies were bounded, but their spirits were free. The true freedome was expressed from their openly praising the Lord , depise the time and place were not “appropriate”. Can you imaging after being harshly treated, instead of groaning with pain, they sang to the Lord. All the other prisoners must have been so touched, because they “ were listening to them”. As a result, the prison was shaken, the doors were opened and all the prisoneres were set free.

What can we learn from this testimoney? It tells us that we may be restricted by circustances, but not our hearts (spirits). Paul and Silas's prayers and praises focuses their miands and soul from themseleve and entriely onto the Lord. Because this welcome God's present into our situtations. Paul and Praises invites God to set His throne in the prison by praising Him.(PSalm 22:3)

Like Paul and Silas,we need to be determined to look up to Him regardless the circumstance may be .

The evil one my harm or restric our flesh while we still live in this world, may he can never chain our spirits. Christ lives within us. Christ is able to do “ is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us”(Ephesians 3:20).

Whatever we have lost, God will resore I have been severly ill since 1999. Iit seems I lost evertyhting, health, job and social live from outward. But the true freedom and blessings in Christ Jesus are more abundant than I ever could dream of before.. Cheer Up! Don't be Dismayed! Be courageous! Let the light of Christ shine in the darkest corner of your hearts. You'll find just a little light from Him is able to light up the entire heart and see the road He has for you.